Saturday, August 25, 2018

One day without electricity


                                                             One day without Electricity

Today as we live in a world of technology one of the world most basic necessity of life is electricity. No one can imagine living without electricity. Well! Its Sunday 
and the day is different from the other day, no electricity the entire day. When I wake up in the morning and rushed towards the washroom, and have a shower. What I realized when the water hit me it was cold. I realized there is only cold water is available, as gear is not working. Then when I opened the door of fridge food is warm, and fridge is not working. Electricity is very important in our life, unless there is no electricity we could not live. Life become dull. In the noon, when I want to eat a sandwich, I took a sandwich maker, but when i plugged I remembered the electricity will not come the entire day. I felt very anger and sad. Television is also  start with electricity I even could not watch television, as the electricity is not coming. I realized how the village people survive, where there is no electricity. I have to study, that day because of electricity i could not, even study properly. Well! Thanks god it was not hot day, otherwise it was unbearable to live.

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